Category Archives: Professions

My Dream of Dealing with a Psychopath and Calling in the Coroner

June 11, 2018
Recently, I dreamed of being in a large hotel-type place and in the dream I am in a room with an elderly woman who is handicapped physically but very alert & intelligent mentally. It’s not clear why I am there although it feels like she knows something about a crime her husband is involved in or something like that and I am getting info from her at the same time as helping her with some of her physical ailments, maybe even cleaning her space.
Anyway, at one point she positions herself on the couch in a bit of a contortion and she asks me to massage sore areas on her back which I proceeded to do (at that time someone comes up from behind me but I don’t pay them any attention) but then she turns herself around without alerting me and she loses her balance and she hits her head on the floor and when I reach to help her I see the blow killed her. I quickly put her head back on the couch pillow and shout to the front desk to call 911 even though I know she needs a coroner not paramedics.
I stand up and go to the door and the attendant gives me thumbs up that paramedics are on their way and when I turn to look back I find that the elderly woman is sitting up in a wheel chair. She is fine. I am confused because she had been dead and I approached her cautiously and turn her around towards me. Then I see the woman is black and shorter and was not the tall white woman who I had just been talking with, however the other person in the room is saying this is her and I know it isn’t. On the one hand I am relieved because her not being dead was better for me because I don’t want the questions from paramedics since I am the last one to have seen her alive. If she is not dead then I will not get questioned. But this woman is not the same woman and the man is up to some sort of hoax and he wants me to play along.
I am afraid of him and I had no idea what to do next and how to be prepared for when the paramedics arrive. How will I explain what was going on? They aren’t even trained to be able to really understand what I am trying to convey.
My analysis:
The truth is the man in the room is a psychopath and his aim is to try to make me look crazy. He tries to do this with everyone he knows. The reason psychopaths want to discredit others is because they want to make their own Selves seem more important, more valuable, more powerful. However his gimmick doesn’t work. He would have wanted me to go along with his charade when the paramedics arrive & pretend this actress is the woman I was helping. Most likely this tactic is a part of his crime. Psychopaths are criminally minded and create illusions to hide their true motives & true actions. In the dream, I am trying to think of how to tell the truth of what had happened without him harming me or the woman he is bribing to lie. In real life, this is not an issue so much since I’m usually able to help a lot of people who are dealing with psychopaths in their families or work places and the outcomes are always positive. In the dream I am also wondering what happened to the real woman? Where did he hide her? Can I find her & help her? If I called the coroner would they help look for her?
The metaphor of a coroner appearing at a crime scene with a psychopath is perfect because the job of a coroner is to confirm the time & cause of death. They are trained to see through the illusions, lies and manipulations of psychopaths & criminals. Not only that, but they have the responsibility to assert their observations and report their findings. A coroner coming into the room would expose the psychopath’s illusions and likely cause his anger to rage. What does a psychopath do when he’s angry? Seek revenge? Seek to destroy anyone he views as a threat? What is the solution for people to protect themselves from the rage of a psychopath?
Most average people do not like to get other people angry for fear of what they will do with their anger, even more so when dealing with a psychopath. But what if there is no fear? What if people just stopped fearing the negative actions of the psychopaths in their lives? How much different could things be if there was no fear? The game would change entirely. 
That’s what this dream is about because metaphorically speaking the psychopath cannot screw-around with the coroner. A coroner is above the manipulations. When a coroner enters the room, the illusion dissolves, the lie evaporates and the truth is exposed. That’s why psychopath-type personalities fear coroner-type personalities. Their manipulations can’t work. 

My Dream of Moving

May 24, 2018

In the dream, I am helping someone move. Their place is old, badly needing repair and not laid out in the structure that will be good for them in their future. The moving isn’t easy because there’s no order or organization to the place. Additionally, there seems to be some sort of time constraint. A moving deadline of sorts. There’s not a lot of stress around this though as it feels like everything that needs to be done can be done in time.

My Dream of a Psychopath Covering Up a Death

June 10, 2018
Last night I dreamed of being in a large hotel-type place and I was in a room with an elderly woman who was handicapped physically but very alert & intelligent mentally. It’s not clear why I was there although it felt like she knew something about a crime her husband was involved in or something like that and I was getting info from her at the same time as helping her with some of her physical ailments.
Anyway, at one point she positioned herself on the couch in a bit of a contortion and she asked me to massage sore areas on her back which I proceeded to do (at that time someone came up from behind me but I didn’t pay them any attention) but then she turned herself around without alerting me and she lost her balance and she hit her head on the floor and when I reached to help her I could see the blow killed her. I quickly put her head back on the couch pillow and shouted to the front desk to call 911 even though I knew she needed a coroner not paramedics.
I stood up and went to the door and the attendant gave me thumbs up that paramedics were on their way and when I turned to look back I found that the elderly woman was sitting up in a wheel chair. She was fine. I was confused because she had been dead and I approached her cautiously and turned her around towards me. Then I saw the woman was black and shorter and was not at all the woman who I had just been talking with but the person in the room was saying this was her and I knew it wasn’t. On the one hand I was relieved because her not being dead was better for me because I didn’t want the questions from paramedics since I was the last one to see her alive. If she was not dead then I wouldn’t get questioned. But this woman was not the same woman and the man was up to some sort of hoax and he wanted me to play along. I was afraid of him and I had no idea what to do next and how to be prepared for when the paramedics arrived. How would I explain what was going on? They weren’t even trained to be able to really understand what I would try to convey. The man in the room was a psychopath and he wanted to make me look crazy. I was trying to think of how to tell the truth of what had happened without him harming me or the woman he was bribing to lie and i was wondering what happened to the real woman? Where did he hide her.
So this is another trauma-related dream coming from working with the prisoners. This is about the psychopath behaviour. They are very good at staying in the shadows and then messing things up when they think no one is looking. They also think they can get away with murder. In my dream, I saw the truth of the situation and was not going to let him get away with it.

How is Dreamwork/Changework Like Being a Detective? And what to do when you figure it out

By Rachel Perry

In a murder investigation, the forensics of the body are like a road map to the story of handcuffslogo.jpgthe crime. It’s like starting at the end and working backwards to the beginning. A good detective can see the end in the beginning, see through their own eyes, and see the mystery through until its solved. When it’s solved, it means a person or persons have been identified who have 1) Motive 2) Means 3) Opportunity to commit the crime. With or without a confession of guilt, the offender can be identified. Once identified, the work of the detective is over but often times that’s when the work of the police, journalists, therapists, social workers, prison guards, lawyers & judges begins. Sometimes the detective will have to take the stand to report what she witnessed. Not everyone can articulate their experiences. And sometimes someone can articulate their experiences but the ears of the listeners are not open so what is being expressed can’t be understood. But in the best case scenario, the detective would be able to answer the questions clearly, the jury would understand the events leading up to the murder, and the killer would receive their punishment. The Baha’i Writings state that when someone receives their punishment in this world they are not re-punished in the next. But if they do not receive their punishment in this world, they receive it in the next.

This is how real life detective work goes when solving a murder.

In the Dreamworld and in Changework there are many parallels to this pattern.

When a murder occurs in a dream, it is a metaphor for the death of someone’s Self. It is helpful to think of the Self as our Unique Being. We come into this world with the capacities & potential to develop our Selves. We learn from our families, from our communities and from our culture consciously & unconsciously as we grow through the stages of development from infancy to adulthood. Our Unique and Authentic Self, is like an inner Gem, which gets polished and refined through the challenges & victories in life. With a positive focus and good intentions, with a willingness to change & grow, this Authentic Self can continue to progress towards Excellence. Some believe the progress continues on even into the next world.

The feelings, characteristics or energies which kill the Self are those qualities we would think of as “negative” such as Jealousy, Anger, Frustration, Disappointment, Embarrassment, Fear, Sadness, etc.

What relationship does this have to being detective-like?

Sometimes there are people who, for whatever reason, usually because of early trauma in childhood, decide to live in those negative states – they cling to their strong feelings of jealousy, anger, fear, etc. And they express these strong negative feelings in ways which serve to metaphorically “kill” the Self of others around them.

Usually, just like a real killer, the negative-behaving person tries to conceal their actions, they hide their true intentions, they lie and deceive, in order to get to their true goal which is to hurt others so they can have more power or authority. When living in this negative state, a killer craves conflict and power just like it’s a drug. There is more to say here but not in this article.

So what to do when you see someone in your workplace or family or community who is metaphorically “killing” the Selves of the people around you? Become like a detective and start following the map which will lead you to the person who has the 1) Motive 2) Means and 3) Opportunity to wreak such havoc in the environment.

Once you find out who is behind the conflict there may come a time when you need to name them & call them out on their negative behaviours. There is more to this too but not today.

For today, it is good to remember that when you are supporting someone through a challenge you can be like a detective and ask questions which will help the person explain where an event occurred which caused brought on the negative feelings. Help them understand the origin of the negative emotion. Ask questions which will help to pin point when and were they first started feeling this way, who was involved? What was the environment like? Often times this goes back to elementary school.

Once you get to the origin of the negative experience with the person you are supporting then you can help them move through the emotions until the positive energy starts to come out. Every negative emotion has a positive opposite.

When someone hurts another, even if it is an emotional wound, and not a physical injury, it is like a murder of sorts has occurred. When we act like detectives to support and encourage those around us, we can get a deep understanding of the situation and can use our own eyes to see Truth for ourselves and move forward with Justice.

Dream of a Friend Being Arrested

This morning I woke up at 4:30am having just had a dream about a friend. In the dream I am traveling with her. She’s telling everyone it’s her last days, that she’s dying, and I’m there with her to comfort and encourage her. She looks beautiful, wearing turquoise and white, wearing large stones and sandles. When she curls herself up into a ball sobbing I just wrap my arms around her and hold her, comfort her and rock her a little bit, saying soothing words, encouraging her.

In another part, I’m the one upset and she tells me I have to get ready to let her go and I tell her no and she says Yes. We are driving in her old car “Nelly” and I’m in the backseat. Soon a helicopter is shining a light on us and police are calling out commands in their loudspeaker. For some reason she keeps going and I don’t understand why. She tells me she’s going to go as far as she can and when it’s time to stop she will. Eventually she does stop, by the Peace Bridge in Fort Erie and an officer arrests her.

I’m standing by the car confused. Are they just stopping her to question her? Are they going to detain her? Has she done more than I am aware of? Will I be questioned? She looks over at me, with her hands behind her back in handcuffs and she mouths to me that she’s sorry, sort of shaking her head like she sees how wrong she was and she’s sorry. But I have no idea what is going on. Why are there  helicopters? Is this the end of it or is there more? The dream ends like that. Me looking over at her with handcuffs on waiting for instructions, her mouthing she’s sorry and me looking back at her like “What?!?”