Tag Archives: dreaminterpretation

Nightmarish Dreams – Monsters & Mayhem, What To Do When They Show Up When You Sleep and How To Wake Up To the Gifts They Present

05 July 2017

Typically people seem to think nightmares are bad and happy dreams are good. Dreamwork takes the process of transformation to a deeper level by suggesting that nightmares are not bad at all.

While the feelings they bring up might feel “bad” they are not at all. They could be originally thought of as negative in nature, in the way that Anger is less advantageous than Justice, or Fear less productive than Courage. However, by shifting a focus away from the idea of “having to get rid of these bad feelings” and just listening to and understanding the message of the emotions, then some really great positives can emerge.

The key is to become friends with the negative feeling, not to shun it like an enemy.

In my dream last night a scenario showed up of a monsterous land-shark who was swimming ghost-like through a large forest attacking people whom I cared about.

The negative emotion this brought up was fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of being hurt. Fear of my loved ones being hurt. I solved it in the dream by being able to track the monster’s actions, predict where she was going next and then catch her in a trap. I knew right from the beginning that I was going to out-smart her but in the middle when she was harming people we loved it seemed like mayhem.

This is an example of how fear can be transformed into Courage. A monster in a dream is just a symbol for parts of ourselves which we are not familiar with yet. The unknown is scary because it is unclear at times but the more we become familiar with and become friends with the unknown parts of ourselves, others or situations than the more and more Fearless we can become.

Then we can accomplish anything in life and the possibilities for growth are endless!

Sun = Inspiration/Higher Power/Creator

How a Positive Dream Can Really Make Things Move Forward in Life

12 July 2017

A mere three days before I lost my Management position at a small store in Masonville Mall due to a corporate decision at head office in Los Angles, USA, I had a dream of this big black truck making it through the road-readiness test. A big, black truck is a metaphor for the work I do in marketing and promoting small businesses. The dream was so positive and it had me remembering the skills & gifts I have in writing, publishing and promoting things I believe in.

Then on April 30th I was informed my store was closing and suddenly my income went from $4000 a month to $1800. Just like that.

One of the reasons I didn’t feel too upset was because this dream had me thinking and asking myself the question, “What do I do really well that can help me move through this period of hardship?”

I asked myself how I can use my skills in marketing & promotion in order to increase my cashflow back to a more stable level.

Now it’s July, two and a half months later. I’ve published three short books, improved three blogs, started a KickStarter campaign for a local neighbourhood news service and I’m done research deep into the corruption of Canadian justice system which some people do not even want to touch because the corruption is just so gruesome.

16174804_769401436549570_8140728707016943395_nWithout that really positive dream of this amazing black truck which had me thinking for days about the ways I can drive my life forward in so many excellent directions, then I would not have been able to handle the devastating news of my job loss so easily.

When I lost my job and was catapulted into poverty I just kept saying to others, “Everything is going to be okay. I don’t have evidence of that just yet but I know something really good is coming and things will be okay.”

It was the metaphors which showed up days before my big devastation which gave me the enthusiasm and drive I needed to face what was soon to become the most difficult three months of 2017.