Category Archives: Friendly Police Officer

My Dream of Being Stopped at the Airport

June 14, 2018

In the dream, I am arriving at my destination, exiting an airplane. When I go to retrieve my luggage I discover it’s not there. After some time airport security approaches me with a bag. They tell me someone took my bag and left this one in its place. When I look in I find all my belongings inside except my computer.

“They took my computer,” I inform the officer.

“Yes, they did,” comes the reply. “Do you know anyone who would want to hurt you?”

Still kneeling down beside the suitcase I look up to the officer, with a long list of people in my mind who would want to hurt me. I look him directly in the eyes and say, “Yes, but I’ll not answer that here. Lets go into your office to talk.”

And that’s the end of that dream.

How is Dreamwork/Changework Like Being a Detective? And what to do when you figure it out

By Rachel Perry

In a murderĀ investigation, the forensics of the body are like a road map to the story of handcuffslogo.jpgthe crime. It’s like starting at the end and working backwards to the beginning. A good detective can see the end in the beginning, see through their own eyes, and see the mystery through until its solved. When it’s solved, it means a person or persons have been identified who have 1) Motive 2) Means 3) Opportunity to commit the crime. With or without a confession of guilt, the offender can be identified. Once identified, the work of the detective is over but often times that’s when the work of the police, journalists, therapists, social workers, prison guards, lawyers & judges begins. Sometimes the detectiveĀ will have to take the stand to report what she witnessed. Not everyone can articulate their experiences. And sometimes someone can articulate their experiences but the ears of the listeners are not open so what is being expressed can’t be understood. But in the best case scenario, the detective would be able to answer the questions clearly, the jury would understand the events leading up to the murder, and the killer would receive their punishment. The Baha’i Writings state that when someone receives their punishment in this world they are not re-punished in the next. But if they do not receive their punishment in this world, they receive it in the next.

This is how real life detective work goes when solving a murder.

In the Dreamworld and in Changework there are many parallels to this pattern.

When a murder occurs in a dream, it is a metaphor for the death of someone’s Self. It is helpful to think of the Self as our Unique Being. We come into this world with the capacities & potential to develop our Selves. We learn from our families, from our communities and from our culture consciously & unconsciously as we grow through the stages of development from infancy to adulthood. Our Unique and Authentic Self, is like an inner Gem, which gets polished and refined through the challenges & victories in life. With a positiveĀ focus and good intentions, with a willingness to change & grow, this Authentic Self can continue to progress towards Excellence. Some believe the progress continues on even into the next world.

The feelings, characteristics or energies which kill the Self are those qualities we would think of as “negative” such as Jealousy, Anger, Frustration, Disappointment, Embarrassment, Fear, Sadness, etc.

What relationship does this have to being detective-like?

Sometimes there are people who, for whatever reason, usually because of early trauma in childhood, decide to live in those negative states – they cling to their strong feelings of jealousy, anger, fear, etc. And they express these strong negative feelings in ways which serve to metaphorically “kill” the Self of others around them.

Usually, just like a real killer, the negative-behaving person tries to conceal their actions, they hide their true intentions, they lie and deceive, in order to get to their true goal which is to hurt others so they can have more power or authority. When living in this negative state, a killer craves conflict and power just like it’s a drug. There is more to say here but not in this article.

So what to do when you see someone in your workplace or family or community who is metaphorically “killing” the Selves of the people around you? Become like a detective and start following the map which will lead you to the person who has the 1) Motive 2) Means and 3) Opportunity to wreak such havoc in the environment.

Once you find out who is behind the conflict there may come a time when you need to name them & call them out on their negative behaviours. There is more to this too but not today.

For today, it is good to remember that when you are supporting someone through a challenge you can be like a detective and ask questions which will help the person explain where an event occurred which caused brought on the negative feelings. Help them understand the origin of the negative emotion. Ask questions which will help to pin point when and were they first started feeling this way, who was involved? What was the environment like? Often times this goes back to elementary school.

Once you get to the origin of the negative experience with the person you are supporting then you can help them move through the emotions until the positive energy starts to come out. Every negative emotion has a positive opposite.

When someone hurts another, even if it is an emotional wound, and not a physical injury, it is like a murder of sorts has occurred. When we act like detectives to support and encourage those around us, we can get a deep understanding of the situation and can use our own eyes to see Truth for ourselves and move forward with Justice.

My Dream of Being Arrested & Released


09 February 2018

I open the door to my house and three police officers are there. They walk through the doorway, taking advantage of my surprised state, asking questions about my name and identity and talking and before I know it, my hands are behind my back and charges are being read.

Finally I get over the disorientation and I ask, “What is this about?” The head officer responds that, “This is because you know too much about John.” He’s referring to John Watson.

So then I understand what’s going on and I ask more questions and explain in more detail and they realize that they thought I had a lot more to do with a certain crime than I actually did. So they reduce or drop the charges all together and they leave.

The qualities of a good police officer are friendliness & assertiveness. This dream is about developing those qualities even more now.

To read more dreams around the theme of waking up to the need to develop friendliness & assertiveness, click on this link.

Imagine how much more peaceful the world would be if everyone had a little more friendliness & calm assertiveness.

My Dream of Sleeping When the Cops Showed Up

December 24, 2017

In the dream, I was sleeping in a sleeping bag on the floor when there was a knock at the door. Someone else got up to answer the door, maybe my daughter? Or a friend of hers?

When I saw there were three cops at the door & they were asking questions I got right up and told them to hold on a moment and I called someone, telling them the police were here, and asking what to do. The cops looked moderately amused by this.

When I got off the phone I told them something which had something to do with if I was going to let them in to look around or not but I don’t remember that part of the dream.

My Dream of Solving a Murder & How To Eliminate Threats To Safety In Real Life Relationships

28 October 2017


Murder in a dream is about the death of a relationship. One of my most re-occurring dreams is about solving murders.

Even in my real life, when I have nothing to do with solving any real murder, still the scenario pops up in my dreams where I am the Detective Inspector and I’m the one everyone is turning to in order to solve a difficult murder investigation.

Last night I dreamed I was a detective investigator getting really close to solving a murder. When I walked in a room I saw a couch and I got a flash vision of the killer having had sat on the left corner of the couch. “He’s been here,” I said. “We’re close. He’s close.”

I can see things other people can’t see. I connect the dots in ways others can’t do. I can get into the mind of a killer the way no one else can.

In these dreams, when I solve a murder and reveal to others the signs which lead us to apprehend the killer others listen to me and when they follow what I say the murderer is found and stopped.

Interestingly, in my real life, there is nothing which compares to that level of trust in my words or vision. All I can think of is that it is because in the real world people are so trained to only value the opinion of people with PhDs, or people with decades experience with one employer, or people with a Management title, or people with a lot of money or prestige, or people with a penis.

In my real life, there has been so much metaphorical murder. I suppose some would clearly see that because of my gender, my “socio-economic” status, and my marital status the cultural pressures on me to fail are astronomical. This has been especially true in the highly conservative city I lived in for the past 4 .5 years.

So what to do?

My dream tells me I’m good at solving murders and to get to it – because a killer is close by …

Here is how identify and remove really big threats to my relationships in life:

1) In my morning dreamwork/reflection I just ask myself where in my life is someone behaving in a way which has killed a relationship? In the dream they had been in the room and then left. So that means what I can reflect on is where someone has come into my space, done something hurtful, and then left.

A dozen scenarios come to mind.

2) Now I can ask myself, “Which one of these people/scenarios pose the most threat to me & Gracie?” This is harder to answer but it is really important. We are in a vulnerable position in our real lives right now and there are threats coming at us from every side. My dream is prompting me to assess the situation and really determine the worst threat.

3) After I do that, then I call to mind the positive vision I have for myself and my daughter where we are living free from threats and can really enjoy more playfulness, peace and security.

4) Then I consider what steps need to be taken to get to that place. What obstacles are there? And then I can figure out just one small thing to do today which will get us closer to our positive vision in time.

5) Then I take that step. Prepared to face the obstacles, the issues, the egos involved, the risk to my safety or others, I just take the step trusting in my Self and in my close personal relationships I just move forward in a positive direction.

This is how really big change can happen over time with just one small step daily. Anyone can do it. Any issue can be solved in this way. Any time.

What is the biggest threat to your closest relationships to those you love, perhaps your children or your spouse? What can you do today to begin to remove that threat?

Think about it. And then just do it. Today.