The Symbolic Meaning of Water and Cars in Dreams: My Personal Journey and Insights

Some people ask me when did I first start doing dream interpretation. The short answer is that I started learning the approach that I now use in 2009 when I shared a dream with Richard Hastings, founder of Dreams for Peace. But the longer answer is that I had a powerful dream when I was 7, about my parents driving a car into water, and that was the very beginning of my profound relationship with dreams and dreaming.

Interestingly, the three significant dreams that mark my dreaming journey all relate to cars and water. To me, this indicates that my lifelong journey has been about healing relationships in my own personal life but also when I work with others.

So the first dream was when I was 7 and I dreamed that my parents, and the parents of my best friend, were driving on a bridge that then split apart and the car plunged into the water and they all died.

The next significant dream was when I was 22. I dreamed a white car hit a moose. The moose shook it off and went into the woods. The car wasn’t drivable. In the morning, in real life, when I woke up and looked out the window I saw a white car in my driveway with damage to it’s front end. Later while I was eating breakfast, a woman knocked on the door. She told me she hit a moose last night and needed to park the car in my driveway because it wasn’t drivable.

The last powerful recurring dream I had was when I was 32. I was regularly dreaming about my house being flooded. Some of those dreams included trying to drive away in the flooded roads or trying to escape before getting caught in the flood.


Water and cars are common symbols that can appear in dreams and hold important meanings for most people. Both of these symbols can represent different aspects of life, and understanding their significance can provide valuable insights into the subconscious mind.

Water is one of the most commonly reported symbols in dreams, and it can represent a variety of things depending on the context in which it appears. Generally, water is seen as a symbol of the emotions, relationships and the flow of life. In dreams, water can take on many forms, such as rivers, oceans, lakes, or even rain. The meaning of water in a dream can vary depending on its characteristics, such as the color, temperature, and clarity.

One common way that water appears in dreams is as a tidal wave or flood. These dreams can be overwhelming and frightening, as it indicates a feeling of being swept away by their emotions or circumstances in their waking life. A dream of being caught in a flood or tidal wave can represent a sense of being out of control or overwhelmed by life’s challenges. It can also suggest that the dreamer needs to let go of their resistance and go with the flow of life.

This was certainly true for me. The water dreams in my childhood and in my 30s represented the ending of marital relationships which had a huge impact on me. When I got married, I expected it to last a lifetime. When it was clear it wasn’t going to last, I truly felt devastated. That strong emotion was showing up in my dreams as floods.

Moving on to cars, they are often seen as symbols of the self, the journey of life, or how the dreamer gets from Point A to Point B. Cars can represent the dreamer’s sense of control and direction in their waking life. In dreams, cars can appear in various forms, such as driving a car, being a passenger, or even witnessing a car accident.

Dreams of driving a car can indicate the dreamer’s level of control over their life’s direction. If the dreamer is driving confidently, it suggests they are in control of their life and moving forward with a sense of purpose. However, if the dreamer is struggling to control the car or feeling lost, it can suggest a lack of direction or a sense of being stuck in their waking life.

Being a passenger in a car can represent the dreamer’s relationship with others in their waking life. If the dreamer is sitting in the passenger seat of a car, it can suggest they are allowing someone else to take control of their life or that they need to trust others more. If the dreamer is in the back seat of a car, it can indicate a sense of feeling overlooked or powerless in their relationships.

Lastly, witnessing a car accident in a dream can represent a sense of chaos or disruption in the dreamer’s life. It can also suggest a fear of losing control or being involved in a harmful situation.

In conclusion, water and cars are two powerful symbols that can appear in dreams and hold important meanings for me. Water can represent the emotions and the flow of life, while cars can symbolize the self and the journey of life. When these three powerful dreams showed up in my life they were impossible to ignore and as I sought to understand them, I was led down the path in life to where I am now, interpreting dreams online and helping people in their personal growth & transformation.

If you would like to read more about how to use the messages in your dreams to change your life, check out my new EBOOK “Unlocking the Power of Your Dreams”. You can use the CODE: dreamz0 to download the book for free today.

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